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Plarium: Raid Shadow Legends

In early 2024, Plarium approached us with a mission: to ramp up excitement for both their game and its iconic character, Death Knight. To maximize exposure, we crafted a custom solution that included a two-month dashboard takeover, directing users straight to the game installer. We also collaborated with Plarium’s in-house artists to produce a unique series of animated Death Knight stickers, available for download through our platform. To top it off, these stickers were voiced by the original actor behind Death Knight, giving fans an authentic and immersive experience.

Raid: Shadow Legends

OBSBOT: A.I. Camera Giveaway

In mid-2024, OBSBOT teamed up with us to promote their new A.I. cameras, the Tiny 2 and Tiny 2 Lite. Instead of a simple social media campaign, we aimed to provide deeper insight into the product. We launched a three-week giveaway across social platforms and our Stream Stickers dashboard. Users could earn entries by liking and sharing posts, with more entries available for watching product videos on our dashboard and visiting the OBSBOT website. This strategy ensured users understood the unique features of these A.I. cameras, driving long-term interest and sales

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