Ever wanted to experience your stream the way your viewers do, covered in stickers? Now you can with Stick-O-Vision! Enter a new dimension of sticker chaos, where you can see every sticker placed on your screen in real-time, no matter what game or content you're streaming. Setup takes less than 5 minutes and works with any game!
Download Stick-O-Vision
Click the button below to download the Stick-O-Vision application. If you use a dual-PC streaming setup, run Stick-O-Vision on your gaming PC, not your streaming PC.
Download for Windows
Extract and Run
Extract the ZIP files to any location on your computer, then run the application file named Stick-O-Vision.exe.
Next, copy your personal Browser Source URL to your clipboard (you can grab this from the Stick-O-Vision section of the dashboard.
Configure Stick-O-Vision
Open the Stick-O-Vision application and paste your Browser Source URL into the provided field.
If you use multiple monitors, select the monitor you want the stickers to appear on using the Select Monitor dropdown.
Set Up in OBS
- Enable the Allow Transparency option to ensure your viewers can see the game behind the sticker overlay.
- In OBS, add a new Game Capture source.
- Set it to capture the window Stick-O-Vision.exe.
- Make sure the Stick-O-Vision Game Capture layer is the topmost layer in your OBS scene. Once done, click OK.
By default, audio will play from the Stick-O-Vision application. To avoid double sounds, toggle off the visibility of your existing OBS Stream Stickers Browser Source. If you still hear double sounds, make sure Shutdown source when not visible is enabled on the OBS Browser Source.
Enable Stick-O-Vision
Head back to the Stick-O-Vision application and click Enable to start the chaos!
Make sure your games are in full-screen windowed mode to see the Stick-O-Vision overlay. Running games in full-screen mode will cause the game to appear on top of the stickers.
You can use hotkeys to toggle the overlay, disable audio, or return to the settings screen while Stick-O-Vision is running. You can also remap these keys to your personal preferences.
Switch between Stick-O-Vision and Regular Overlay
To disable Stick-O-Vision and return to the regular overlay:
- Toggle the Stick-O-Vision layer's visibility OFF in OBS.
- Make the original Stream Stickers Browser Source visible again.
Keeping Stick-O-Vision hidden in your OBS scene makes it easy to reactivate later.
That’s it! Enjoy watching the chaos unfold with Stick-O-Vision!